three sisters

three sisters – it refers to crops : squash, beans, maize

harvesting squash

mississippian hoe


gathering seeds & collecting fish

they cultivated maize

cultivate = grow


i have to go southward ; northward

AD – Anno Domini

BC – Before Christ

BCE – Before Common Era

ca. – circa = around


YBP – years before present

what about credibility = trustworthiness ?

maize = corn


this country was not passable

pass (v) – wyminac, przejsc

passable (adj)


Chitchen Itza – mexico

pitchfork – widly


SCYTHE – kosa


lure = bait

alluring – powabn, urzekajacy


spellbinding ; someone can be spellbound by something

charming = spellbinding = stunning = captivating (zachwycajacy, urzekajacy)


we did it for laughs (dla zartow)

i laugh it off, but it’s not funny at all

BEAD – koralik


you made my day

dweller = inhabitant

pillar – filar

figurine – figurka


revere = respect

artisan = craftsman

bluff = cliff (urwisko)


ELDER can be referredĀ  to fruits, e.g. (EXEMPLI GRATIA) : dziki bez

marsh = mud (MOCZARY)



it was landmark decision !

considerably – znacznie, w znacznym stopniu

she has changed considerably. it’s sad


be on the wane – zmniejszac sie (popularnosc, sila)


vessel = ship

you cannot be angry with me




he was marooned (abandoned ; he was cut off ) – porzucony, odciety od swiata

UNDERGO- poddawac sie (badaniom, operacji) ; odbywac (kuracje, szkolenie)

YIELD – dac sie przekonac lub tez zmusic

WEAR OFF = SUBSIDE (ustepowac, np. o bolu )



bestow – obdarowac



By indolentlady

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