
i hope i will be home&dry soon !

and even if that’s a lie, she should have given me a try

exposure = ujawnienie, odsloniecie


off-duty – poza sluzba

i am never off-duty

on the spot – na miejscu, od razu = at once


they are locked into a house for a given period of time

she is very trustworthy = dependable= reliable

get on = make a progress = succeed

wide range of vegetables (szeroki wybor)


high-profile brand names

contestant = participant = contributor

conscientious = thorought = accurate


i’ve got a strong sense of security, sense of fulfilment

sense of order

i am difficult to live with

i will do anything to get on in life

i am quite taciturn though, and i am happy with my own company


i can stop fighting in the house on the spot

high-spirited = bubbly = vital = upbeat = energetic = brisk

self-opinionated = conceited = big-headed


i am playful & high-spirited though teachers say i am undisciplined

why should i let people get away with things i don’t like? (ujsc na sucho)

i want to be in the house


sincere = frank = candid = genuine

warm-hearted = helpful = polite = kind-hearted = kind

she’s willing to listen to people’s problems

sensible = sane= reasonable


can i bring a friend with me to the party?

shop-floor – zaklad pracy

tell him straightaway = immediately = at once

=on the spot


be there for you

to stand out in the crowd = to be distinctive

hastily made decision = a snap decision

made redundant = lost a job


to laught it off = to make fun of something

an overhead conversation

avenge = pomscic

diminish = decrease


this is some excerpt from the song written by elthon john

love means never having to say you are sorry.

Jennifer, Love Story


acknowledge – uznac = deem

i met my match – spotkac sobie rownego

magnificent = wonderful

the power of saying ‘sorry’

it’s a sign of strength not weakness


respect for you

single-minded = determined = resolute


something does not merit such an outburst

conduct = behaviour


as elton pointed out it can be hard

dispute = argument

ARISE – pojawiac sie ( o problemie)


escalate = increase

instead of sulking (byc obrazonym, nadasanym)

get back at sb



promulgate = spread

confirm = prove (potwierdzac)

therefore – wiec

i’ve come to realize


enabling – dajacy upowaznienie

self-righteous – pyszalkowaty = self-opinionated

glib = fluent

take revenge on others = get back at sb


work out=sort out = solve = resolve

cerebral cortex – kora mozgowa

attempt = have a go = try

hugely disappointed.. again?



guarantee = warranty

is there any scientific basis for this?

whether it is just put on for show


the truth behind a smile

set out to prove it = decide to prove it

therby – w skutek tego, tym samym

contraction – skurczenie


FACIAL EXPRESSION – wyraz twarzy

telltale – wskazujacy, informujacy; skarzypyta

conciliation = truce (zawieszenie broni)



BULLET POINT – symbol wypunktowania

catch the reader’s eye

go over the top = exaggerate

when i met her for the first time i was not delighted


intake of CAFFEINE

sloppy = untidy

trig = tidy = neat

FITS OF RAGE – napady wscieklosci


hit the headlines

increasingly = more and more

can make things worse

it’s ADVISABLE (wskazane)


once you’ve calmed down things will look better


FIND YOU OUT – zdemaskowac, odkrywac, ujawniac

talk sth over – przedyskutowac


what about take a chance? (podjac ryzyko)


By indolentlady

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